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Amber Stone Aromatherapy: Articles & News

Welcome to this section, which features some of my articles, recordings and editions of my newsletter. Subscribe to the Amber Stone Aromatherapy newsletter to find out more about forthcoming events. Please note that the information provided in these articles are not intended to diagnose or offer treatments for any ailment, nor intended to substitute for qualified medical advice. If you have a medical issue, or any physical, emotional or mental health concerns please consult a qualified physician or a medical healthcare professional.

Newsletter: Winter 2024

Newsletter features include: Spirit of the Mountains Yoga and Wellness Retreat in Austria, the Cleanse for Living programme and special offers for the New Year.

Newsletter: Autumn 2023

Newsletter features include: Spirit of the Mountains Yoga and Wellness Retreat in Austria and supporting our immune system during Autumn and Winter.

Newsletter: Summer Solstice 2023
June 2023

Newsletter features include: A review of the beautiful MoaAlm Mountain Retreat in Austria and a feature about new Amber Stone Aromatherapy wellness products.

Newsletter: Spring Equinox 2023
April 2023

Newsletter features include: Cleanse for Living Programme and news about the yoga and wellbeing retreat in Morocco being hosted by Flexiwellness and Amber Stone Aromatherapy in September 2023.

Article: Easing Tension and Anxiety with Aromatherapy

I wrote this article to share with family, friends and work colleagues as we headed into the first lockdown in March 2020. It was a time of uncertainty for us all no matter where we were in the world and this article aimed to provide some practical ideas on how aromatherapy can support us at times of uncertainty and anxiety. 

Article: Aromatherapy and how it can support our immune system

Essential oils have their own unique therapeutic properties that not only support the immune system but support our emotional well-being too.

Video: Insights on Aromatherapy and how it can support our immune system

I was delighted to be invited to speak at the virtual Cygnus Cafe organised by the Harrry Edwards Healing Sanctuary in Surrey. The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary was founded in 1946 by the world renowned spiritual healer, Harry Edwards, and promotes health and wellbeing through a healing service. 

Video: Discovering the benefits of the wood essential oils

This hour-long talk explores the health benefits of the wood essential oils and how they can support us both physically and emotionally. Wood oils are those derived from either the wood, leaves, branches or resins of trees and include essential oils such as atlas cedarwood, cypress, eucalyptus, fir, frankincense, pine and tea tree. 

Video: An Aroma-Journey through Autumn

I was really delighted to be invited back to talk at the virtual Cygnus Cafe organised by the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary in Surrey in September just before the Autumn Equinox. A great time and opportunity to think about the essential oils that are supportive for our body, mind and spirit at this time.

Video: Essential Oils for the Festive Season

Become acquainted with essential oils that help support body, mind and spirit during the Winter time. Oils covered include: angelica, clove, eucalyptus, frankincense, ginger, myrrh, pine and sweet orange, all with amazing immune-boosting, grounding and strengthening properties.

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